为降低海水淡化成本,以深海钻井船为应用对象设计了1套产量为75 t/d的反渗透海水淡化装置,并采用增压泵技术对能量回收系统进行关键性设计。测试表明,本套设备产水量可满足设计要求,能量回收系统可节约能耗达50%以上,产水能耗可降至4 kW·h/m3左右。该节能型反渗透海水淡化装置的研制将对我国开发海洋资源起到强有力的推动作用。
In order to reduce costs, a set of device of seawater reverse osmosis(SWRO) desalination with 75 t/d was designed for deep-sea drilling ships. And a booster pump was applied to design the critical section of energy recovery system. Testing showed that this device upped to design requirements. Moreover, the energy recovery system could reduce over 50% energy consumption of water production which reached about 4 kW·h/m3. This development of energy-saving device of SWRO desalination would promote the exploitation of marine resources forcefully.
2018,40(12): 90-93 收稿日期:2018-02-09
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