In order to improve the low-frequency sound absorption performance, an anechoic coating containing water-filled metal spherical shells was proposed, and its sound absorption characteristics were analyzed by finite element method. The results show that the introduction of water-filled metal spherical shells can improve the sound adsorption of original rubber layer; the low-frequency performance of the anechoic coating is significantly improved by the combination of spherical shells with different geometric parameters; the elastic balloon in the shell should be made by rubber of large modulus, otherwise the original performance cannot be maintained under hydrostatic pressure; the sound absorption mechanism of the anechoic coating consists of the resonance of the elastic balloon at low frequency, the deformation of the base material caused by the coupling resonance of the combined structure at medium and high frequencies, and the enhancement of the scattering effect of the coupled resonance on the acoustic wave.
2019,41(4): 11-18 收稿日期:2019-01-07
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