When detecting low velocity moving targets,Polyphase pulse has high peak sidelobe that will cause the loss of weak target detection.To solve this Problem, a waveform design method for reducing sidelobe level in a particular area of ambiguous function(AF) was proposed.This method take advantage of the low velocity moving targets with very small doppler frequency shift, simplified the ambiguous function.we put forward a conceptual for Discrete Ambiguous Function(D-AF).The foregoing discussion implies that by minimizing the correlations of AF, we equivalently minimize the D-AF sidelobes. The minimization problem can be solved by the cyclic algorithm described in this paper. Numerical simulation showed that the proposed algorithm sidelobe suppression for designing sequences with a thumbtack-shaped discrete-AF near the origin of the delay-Doppler plane effectively, meanwhile, it improved the detection ability of weak target detection.
2019,41(4): 124-128 收稿日期:2018-05-25
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