The design of submarine rudder did not fully consider the influence of submarine wake and propeller, resulting in the fact that the hydrodynamic effect of the rudder deviated from the designed value. In order to understand the influence, Star-CCM+ was used to analyze the influence of prism layer, turbulence model, grid discretization, stationary and unsteady methods on the open rudder. And the best physical model was chosen for calculating the submarine SUBOFF Single rudder, direct rudder and pitchup working condition. The hydrodynamic calculation results were compared with the experimental values of the pool and the wind tunnel. The impact of the wake of the hull on the rudder wing was analyzed, the hydrodynamic influence of the hull on the rudder provides a reference for optimizing the design of the submarine's rudder wing to improve the maneuverability of the submarine and reduce the noise.
2019,41(6): 37-42 收稿日期:2018-01-28
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