本文采用计算流体力学模拟方法,针对舰船的典型住舱,比较分析了不同布风器对于舱室内气流组织的影响。仿真结果表明,在冬季,采用带孔槽的布风器能够有效提高住舱下层床铺的温度,使其基本达到18℃的要求,并保持床铺区域的风速不超过0.3 m/s;在夏季,一般布风器和带孔槽的布风器都能使得室内的温度达到设计规范所要求的27℃,而风速超过0.3 m/s的区域主要集中在人员不常停留的布风器正下方。
This paper compares and analyzes the influence of air distribution in a cabin with two kinds of air distributors. The simulation results show that in winter air distributor with grooves installed in a cabin can raise the temperature to 18℃ in the bed area, and air velocity in the cabin is lower than 0.3 m/s; in summer whether the cabin installed air distributor with grooves or not, the indoor temperature can reach 27℃ regulated by the relevant design code, and the area where air velocity is higher than 0.3 m/s is mainly in the place where the occupants don't always stay.
2019,41(6): 76-80 收稿日期:2018-05-14
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