The working space channel of a large surface ship is used as a carrier for the flow of people inside the ship. Its capacity is a measure of the performance and efficiency of personnel flow. On the premise of ensuring the technical performance index of the surface ship, the ship's overall plan design should consider the ship’s capacity of the working space channel inside the ship provides a convenient channel for the flow of personnel to complete specific tasks. In this paper, through the analysis of the capacity influencing factors and analysis indicators of large surface ship's working space, and the analysis of the characteristics of the personnel flow of the ship channel, relying on the personnel flow simulation technology to build a ship channel personnel flow simulation model to simulate and analyze the changes in the setting parameters of the traffic facilities At the time of internal personnel flow, taking the horizontal straight corridor as an example to explain the relationship between the facility setting parameters and capacity analysis index model.
2021,43(9): 85-89 收稿日期:2020-09-18
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