In order to effectively apply visual-inertial odometry (VIO) to underwater scene, this paper proposes a visual-inertial odometry system which is suitable for autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) to perform close range tasks. In view of the lack of corner points and the existence of a large number of repeated features in the underwater environment, a data association method based on direct method is used, which takes the gradient modulus of pixels as the standard of feature extraction. In order to extract enough effective feature points, the method of dynamically adjusting the number of feature points and the threshold of feature points extraction is adopted. In addition, the visual state is estimated by minimizing the photometric error. The experimental results on AQUALOC dataset demonstrate that the direct method adopted by this proposed system has higher localization accuracy than ORB-SLAM3 in a relatively harsh underwater environment, and can construct a relatively dense map.
2022,44(5): 65-69 收稿日期:2021-04-28
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