The current platform can monitor the dynamics of ships sailing at sea in real time, but its function and performance can not meet the needs of users. Therefore, a ship intelligent navigation big data platform based on blockchain technology is proposed. The architecture of ship intelligent navigation big data platform is designed by using blockchain technology, and the ship navigation big data acquisition reset circuit is designed by using rmtp925db chip. The request rate of data compression node in the transmission process is set within the bandwidth capacity. The total number of ship navigation data packets received by the terminal is calculated, and the real-time data in the process of ship navigation is collected by compressing the threshold value, According to the judgment of ship navigation data compression space, the ship navigation big data is compressed. Combined with the construction of ship navigation domain model, the design of ship intelligent navigation big data platform is realized. The test results show that the platform function can meet the needs of users, improve the service efficiency.
2022,44(7): 158-161 收稿日期:2021-09-21
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