In order to solve the security problem caused by intrusion information to ship communication network and accurately locate the location of intrusion node, a ship network intrusion detection system based on big data analysis is designed. According to the layout form of terminal detection network, connect the intrusion information analysis module, extract the information parameters stored in the analysis module by using amd detection host, and complete the hardware equipment conFiguration of ship network intrusion detection system. With the support of the definition expression of big data overall planning index, combined with the transmission strength of data information parameters in ship communication network, calculate the specific value of intrusion information characteristic parameters, and then determine the intrusion strength level of ship communication data according to the known detection authority difference conditions, complete the detection software design based on big data analysis, combined with the structure of relevant hardware equipment, realize the construction of ship network intrusion detection system based on big data analysis. The experimental results show that with the application of big data analysis technology, the threat of intrusion information to the operation security of ship communication network has been well controlled, which shows that this technical strategy can assist the ship network host to accurately locate the location of intrusion nodes.
2022,44(7): 166-169 收稿日期:2021-12-25
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