When the half-wave dipole antenna is used as a low-power bidirectional sea surface antenna, the mismatch loss caused by the shortening effect becomes an urgent problem to be improved. Based on the induction electromotive force method, this paper proposes that the existing formulas for shortening length calculation in free space cannot be applied in non-free space, and proposes an optimization method for shortening effect of the symmetrical dipole antenna in non-free space. The method is applied and verified in a symmetrical dipole antenna in the sea surface environment. The actual antenna is made and verified by experiments, theoretical derivation, and simulation calculation. The results show that the optimization method based on the shortening effect of non-free space makes the symmetrical dipole antenna on the sea surface in the resonant state at the operating frequency, which reduces the power loss caused by the mismatching of the antenna and improves the antenna gain.
2022,44(10): 80-83 收稿日期:2021-01-28
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