Data storage model based on the analysis of the existing ship that communication is vulnerable to tampering with defects, such as the characteristic of combining with tamper-proof block chain tamper-proof technology design communication data model, built the model of ship communication block chain structure, through the chain block consensus mechanism by building a ship communicationsin the chain to select the best the block, To the best in the form of hierarchical digital signature block encryption communication data upload ships, in complete ship communication data encryption tamper-proof storage, the results show that the model in the process of communication data upload ships, can keep the stable signature encryption and best block selection operation costs, and effectively avoid all kinds of tampering attacks, has high tamper-proof performance, In the array ship communication data stored in the end, the highest amount of tampered and missing data accounts for only 0.004% and 0.02%. The overall security and integrity of stored data is relatively ideal, which can provide a guarantee for the safe storage of ship communication data.
2022,44(10): 127-130 收稿日期:2021-11-17
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