通海系统是船舶结构的重要噪声源之一,开展通海系统管路振动检测评估是实现船舶系统低噪声建造及维护的重要手段。为克服船舶建造阶段存在的设备无法开启、狭窄空间内大型激励设备无法进舱开展工作等问题,本文提出一种船舶大口径通海系统管路声学性能检测方法,结合锤击法灵活方便的特点开展测试,通过引入参考点对传统锤击法获得的振动加速度值进行修正,解决因锤击激励与设备激励不同导致的测试结果差异,在仿真分析基础上开展试验验证了该方法的可行性,并对部分影响因素进行分析。结果表明,锤击点靠近测点有利于提高信噪比,减少背景噪声对测试结果干扰,使10 Hz~8 kHz频带内检测误差控制在3 dB以内,同时在锤击时使用软锤头结果优于硬锤头。
Seaward system is an important noise source of ships. Detection and evaluation of pipeline-vibration is a significant method for low noise build and maintenance. A detection and evaluation method of pipeline-vibration is created to overcome the situation that the equipment could not be turned on and the large scale excitation equipment could not be used in narrow cabin. The method combines the flexible and convenient characteristics of hammering method with the reference point, which is used to modify the measured value, so that the difference of excitation is solved. Experimental validation based on simulation analysis is carried out to test and verify the method, and several influencing factor is researched.
2022,44(11): 36-39 收稿日期:2021-12-27
作者简介:姜海勋 (1980-),男,硕士,工程师,研究方向为舰船总体
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