In order to avoid the route conflict of ships during navigation, a ship multi-target detection system based on wireless network is studied. The system is composed of remote sensing image acquisition unit and ship multi-target detection unit. The remote sensing platform in the remote sensing image acquisition unit is used to obtain the visible remote sensing image, and the client uses ZigBee wireless network to read and cache the visible remote sensing image from the remote sensing platform. The ship multi-target detection unit reads the visible remote sensing image by using the remote sensing image preprocessing sub unit, and then transmits it to the sea and land ion separation unit after down sampling and Gaussian filtering. The sea land ion separation unit separates the visible light remote sensing image in real time, and then uses the feature extraction sub unit to extract the features of the visible light remote sensing image. Based on the characteristics of the visible remote sensing image, the ship multi-target detection method based on convolutional neural network is used to complete the ship multi-target detection. The experimental results show that while the system has strong wireless communication ability, the accuracy of extracting the features of ship visible light remote sensing image is as high as 98.91%, and its detection of ship multi-target is not affected by the ship size and distribution position, so it has significant application effect.
2022,44(12): 137-140 收稿日期:2021-12-30
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