With the innovation of the satellite communication,the antenna for submarion in ultra high frequency(UHF) has been improved in speed and the band of frequency.In order to meet the needs of use, a new submarine antenna used in UHF satellite communication system is presented in this paper. The research uesed the combination of width-variable radiation arm and parasitic radiation arm to adjust the impedance and wide the frequency band to make the voltage standing wave ratio satisfy the need of communication in UHF.By electromagnetic simulation of the radiation pattern,the antenna is confirmed that it can satisfy the requirement when the submarine is swaying with the wave. At the same time, this paper also designed a integration broadband power splite phase shift work to improve the integration level of the antenna.At last,a practicality has been made and tested and the results meet every target.
2022,44(19): 118-122 收稿日期:2022-06-09
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