Torpedo defense is a critical prerequisite for vessels to perform their missions safely. The accurate judgment of the torpedo type is one of the important factors for the success of countering incoming torpedoes. Incorrect judgment may guide commander to adopt a wrong countermeasure, which will greatly reduce the effect of torpedo defense. More seriously, the wrong action will increase the risk of exposure of the vessels and further be hit. Therefore, it is very necessary to study the types of incoming torpedoes to provide a basis for accurately formulating methods to counter torpedoes. Because different types of torpedoes have different types of trajectories, investigation and modeling the trajectory of incoming torpedoes is an effective way to determine the type of torpedoes. This paper analyzes models and simulates several common vessels torpedo trajectories, which can provide an important reference for vessels torpedo defense decisions.
2023,45(15): 168-175 收稿日期:2023-05-14
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