In order to ensure the effective management of ship AIS track data and improve the level of ship management water, a compression method for ship AIS track data under the improvement algorithm is studied. This method first converts the AIS trajectory data format through the IEC61162-1 standard and the ITU1371-1 protocol, and then uses a rule chain method based on partial order sets to clean the transformed AIS data; After completing the coordinate conversion of longitude and latitude in the data, it is stored in the SQLite database and imported into the lifting algorithm in chronological order. The ship AIS track data is compressed using this algorithm to obtain the ship AIS compressed track data. The test results show that the compression rate of this method is above 90.6%, and the maximum data length loss rate is 0.11%. The compression effect is good, and the integrity of the compressed data can be guaranteed. After compression, the data points of ship turning behavior can be well preserved, ensuring the effectiveness of the data and improving the management level of the ship.
2023,45(16): 157-160 收稿日期:2023-3-18
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