In order to study the regulation effect of the pentamode lattice ring structure on the impact stress wave, based on coordinate transformation theory and additive manufacturing technology ,an experimental model of the pentamode lattice ring structure is designed and manufactured. Through the impact test and simulation, it is found that the peak strain of the pentamode lattice ring structure on the upstream surface is significantly smaller than that on the back surface. The stress has obvious bifurcation tendency in the pentamode lattice ring structure, which can effectively reduce the stress concentration on the upstream surface. Compared with the equal mass solid ring, the peak strain of the test model on the upstream surface is reduced by 53%, while the peak strain on the back surface is increased by 18%. It is found that the direction distribution of the normal vector of the isoline of the dispersion surface can accurately reflect the direction of the energy flow in the material. On this basis, the influence of cell structure on the energy flow characteristics is studied. The relevant conclusions can provide some reference for submarine resisting impact protection.
2023,45(19): 17-24 收稿日期:2022-09-01
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