System thinking and system methodology have great advantages in the design of complex giant systems, as a kind of large equipment, manned submersible adopts system methodology in its design process. In this paper, the composition and function of manned submersible are introduced, the necessity of applying system thinking and system methodology to the design of manned submersible is analyzed, and the common system methodology is introduced. Combined with a specific example, the system methodology used in the design process of manned submersible is introduced from the aspects of overall manned submersible, between manned submersible subsystems and manned submersible subsystems themselves. Finally, the life support subsystem is taken as an example to verify the role of system thinking and system methodology in the design process of the system from the point of view of the running time and the number of failures of the system.
2024,46(6): 1-6 收稿日期:2023-03-08
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