To analyze the correlation between evaluation indicators, construct a scientific evaluation indicator system, obtain accurate reliability evaluation results based on multidimensional evaluation indicators, and propose a reliability evaluation method for ship main propulsion machinery based on data mining. Collect massive amounts of data related to the operation of ship propulsion machinery and obtain initial evaluation indicators; The factor analysis method in data mining technology is used to analyze the correlation between initial indicators, and independent evaluation indicators are selected to construct the final reliability evaluation index system for ship main propulsion machinery. Using support vector mechanism in data mining technology to build a reliability evaluation model, inputting multidimensional evaluation index data into the evaluation model, mapping the multidimensional evaluation index data to a high-dimensional space through a kernel function for classification, and outputting the reliability evaluation level. The experimental results show that the variance explanations of the selected evaluation indicators are all above 0.8, indicating that the information preservation of the selected evaluation indicators is relatively high, the evaluation results are completely consistent with the actual operation of the research object, indicating the effectiveness of this method.
2024,46(17): 146-149 收稿日期:2024-3-15
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