Aiming at the phenomenon of severe color cast and low contrast in images collected underwater, this paper proposes a method for underwater image enhancement based on adaptive histogram stretching and improved MSRCR. The method is mainly divided into the following steps: first, the white balance is used to adjust the color temperature of the image to eliminate the color cast as much as possible, secondly, the image is further color balance processing through the designed adaptive HE segmentation function to enhance the visual effect of the image, and then the MSRCR with increased contrast enhancement is used to restore the color and contrast enhancement of the image, and finally the contrast adjustment of the image is adjusted by the new AGCWD so that the final image color balance is clearly distinguished. In order to prove the effectiveness of the proposed method, the underwater real image is selected for enhancement processing, and the algorithm in recent years is selected for reference comparison, and the experimental results show that the proposed algorithm has a good enhancement effect for images with severe underwater color cast and low contrast, and the enhanced image quality is increased, the color cast is reduced and the clarity is higher.
2024,46(17): 162-167 收稿日期:2023-11-16
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