不同水下爆炸条件下船体冲击振动响应不同,为获取水中沉底爆炸作用下船体冲击振动响应特征,对水下爆炸试验测量的压力和船体冲击加速度数据进行对比分析,然后采用小波分析方法对目标舰船舱底和甲板的加速度响应信号进行分解重构,得到不同甲板层在不同时频下的加速度峰值和能量分布。分析结果显示,在装药沉底非接触爆炸作用下,目标舰船冲击振动响应主要受冲击波和滞后流作用影响,二次压力波影响很小;从舱底到甲板振动能量向低频段转移;舱底156 Hz以上频段能量占95%,以中高频响应为主;甲板78~20 Hz频段能量占比77%,以中低频响应为主。
The impact vibration response of the ship hull varies under different underwater explosion conditions. In order to obtain the characteristics of the impact vibration response of the ship hull under the action of underwater bottom explosion, the pressure and ship hull impact acceleration data measured in underwater explosion tests were compared and analyzed. Then, wavelet analysis method was used to decompose and reconstruct the acceleration response signals of the target ship's bilge and deck, and obtain the peak acceleration and energy distribution of different deck layers at different time frequencies. The analysis results show that under the action of non-contact explosion at the bottom of the charge, the impact vibration response of the target ship is mainly affected by shock waves and hysteresis flow, and the influence of secondary pressure waves is very small; Transfer of vibration energy from the bottom to the deck to the low-frequency range; 95% of the energy in the frequency band above 156 Hz at the bottom of the cabin is dominated by mid to high frequency response; The energy in the 78~20 Hz frequency band on the deck accounts for 77%, with the main response being medium to low frequencies.
2024,46(20): 1-4 收稿日期:2023-12-28
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