The ship propulsion system is a complex nonlinear system. How to achieve a reasonable match between the propulsion system and the characteristics of the hull is a hot topic in the field of marine power research. Therefore, conducting research on the matching characteristics of ship-engine-propeller systems is of great significance for improving the overall performance of ships. Based on the Matlab/simulink simulation platform, this paper establishes a numerical model of the ship-engine-propeller matching system using a modular modeling method. The accuracy of the model is verified through the simulation of the steady-state characteristics of the propulsion system under typical operating conditions. On this basis, dynamic propulsion characteristics simulations under different control strategies are carried out. The results show that the faster the adjustment of the engine power, the quicker switching of operating conditions are. Speed of the adjustment of engine power is the main factors affecting the dynamic characteristics of the marine power system; the change rate of pitch ratio will significantly affect the stability of the operating condition switching process, and the pitch ratio control strategy should be adapted to the engine power control strategy to achieve better matching characteristics of the ship's engine and propeller.
2024,46(21): 58-66 收稿日期:2024-1-2
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