Path tracking control is a key technology for unmanned surface vehicles (USV) to carry out surface operations. High-speed unmanned vehicles have the following problems in the process of path tracing, such as large cornering deviation, slow convergence speed, and weak anti-interference capability. In order to solve these problems, a dynamic forward distance and line-of-sight method based on a reduced order extended state observer (ESO-DFLOS) is proposed. by merging forward distance and tracking error to accelerate convergence speed, using dynamic surface technology to avoid "differential explosion" of backstepping method, introducing auxiliary observation system to compensate for limited thrust input, and then an adaptive speed and heading robust controller was designed. The results of simulation and lake trial experiments indicated that, the proposed method can effectively reduce the maximum lateral deviation (42.6%) and average lateral error (38.4%) of USV during high-speed turning, decrease the amplitude of speed oscillation (24%), accelerate error convergence speed (33%), and improve the path tracking accuracy and control system robustness of high-speed USV.
2024,46(23): 103-110 收稿日期:2024-1-24
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