A control structure based on improved Linear Active Disturbance Rejection Control is proposed to improve the USV's anti-interference ability and tracking accuracy in response to the above issues. Firstly, the integrated line-of-sight method is used to provide a basis for path following and guidance of unmanned surface vehicles; secondly, based on the inherent overshoot problem of the tracking differentiator, an improved linear auto-disturbance rejection control method is proposed to design a USV turning torque controller to control the mutation of course angle of the USV when subjected to mutation loads, thereby improving path following accuracy; thirdly, the reaction curve of submarine launched missiles is used to simulate the mutation load on unmanned boats, and considering the interference force of the USV under the combined action of ocean winds, waves, and currents; finally, simulation experiments are conducted on the USV in Simulink and compared with the PID controller. When simulating mutation load conditions on the USV, this control method can quickly recover and accurately follow the given straight path while meeting the speed constraints of the system. Compared with the traditional PID controller, its convergence speed is improved by around 50%, and its maximum lateral error response amplitude is reduced by about 53%. It is effective against combined interference from ocean winds, waves, and currents, and the anti-interference ability of the controller designed in this article is significantly better than that of the PID controller. The simulation results show that the improved LADRC controller proposed in this article has excellent anti-interference ability and robustness.
2024,46(24): 76-84 收稿日期:2023-11-20
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