Side scan sonar is often disturbed by many uncertain factors such as environment, noise and equipment instability factors in the process of underwater operation. The image generated by sonar will be greatly affected, thus interfering with the exploration personnel′s judgment of underwater targets. In this paper, the Opencv visual algorithm tool is used to establish the graphics processing models of Clahe, smooth median convolution, morphological algorithm and Laplace transform by using Python. The data from actual operations are used as samples for experiments. The experimental results show that the Clahe algorithm is most suitable for denoising and eliminating transverse stripe. The smooth median convolution can denoise and retain the original features. The morphological operation can be used in the extraction of single feature. The Laplacian transform has the best feature extraction ability in the case of strong reflection in the bottom section.
2024,46(24): 104-108 收稿日期:2023-8-22
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