利用计算流体力学(Computational Fluid Dynamics,CFD)方法,以SUBOFF模型为例,基于STAR-CCM+软件,采用Standard $ {k}-{\varepsilon } $湍流模型对不同边界层进行阻力预报,并将计算结果与SUBOFF模型的实验结果进行对比分析,在网格数量无关性的前提下,探究边界层第一层高度、最少网格层数、边界层总厚度分别对计算精度的影响。结果表明,增加边界层第一层高度相对减少高度对误差的影响更低,增加17倍时误差仍在5%以内;最少网格层数整体上对计算影响不大,层数波动20%,计算误差同样低于5%;边界层总厚度不起决定性作用,但相对更充足的总厚度利于计算精度。
Using the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) method, the SUBOFF model is used as an example, and the Standard $ {k}-{\varepsilon } $ turbulence model is used to forecast the resistance of different boundary layers based on the STAR-CCM+ software, and the computational results are compared and analysis with the experimental results of the SUBOFF model, and the influence of the first height of the boundary layer, the minimum number of grid layers, and the total thickness of the boundary layer on the computational accuracy is investigated under the premise of the grid-independent number of grid layers, respectively. Under the premise of grid number irrelevance, the effects of the height of the first layer of the boundary layer, the minimum number of grid layers, and the total thickness of the boundary layer on the computational accuracy are investigated. The results show that: increasing the height of the first layer of the boundary layer has a lower effect on the error than decreasing the height, and the error is still within 5% when the height is increased by 17 times. The number of minimum grid layers does not have a great influence on the calculation, and the error is also lower than 5% when the number of layers fluctuates by 20%, and the total thickness of the boundary layer does not play a decisive role, but a relatively more adequate total thickness is beneficial to the calculation accuracy.
2025,47(1): 59-64 收稿日期:2024-3-7
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