The leg mechanic characteristics of self-elevating platform under the superposition effects of encircling crane and environmental loads were studied in combination of load directions. The analysis of the reactions and chord loads was performed by a simplified theoretical analysis method. Meanwhile, a finite element method was employed to verify the simplified analysis results. It was found that the reactions caused by encircling crane and environmental loads respectively were suppressed mutually in horizontal direction at the combination of enhancing in vertical direction, vice versa. And the load distribution among chord members was mainly influenced by the stiffness of the legs and the lifting system. Then a real ship simulation was analyzed, it was found that the most critical state of leg vertical reaction, horizontal reaction, strength utilization factor and gear loads do not occur simultaneously, which means, the combination of same direction of encircling crane and environmental loads cannot cover all the most critical condition. Therefore, a more detailed combination analysis of encircling crane and environmental loads is necessary to ensure the safety of the platform structure.
2025,47(2): 167-172 收稿日期:2024-3-21
作者简介:金晶(1987 – ),男,硕士,高级工程师,研究方向为船舶与海洋工程
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